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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

How to read the Bill of Rights

(Adapted from: Because the Government is evil and stupid...)

We hold this truth to be self evident— Government is prone to excess and unless watched like a hawk, will abuse people, violate their rights and their property.

So we're setting down some limitations here—the government shall NOT:

  • Have any opinion on any religion, pro or con.
  • Limit what anyone, anywhere at any time has to say
  • Limit any where, at any time under any circumstance what some one wants to print.
  • Prevent people from assembling in any place, for any reason they want
  • Prevent people from addressing government officials to demand redress of grievances.

Because government is prone to excess, if it violates any of these principles, individuals may need to shoot it.

There fore the Government May NOT:

  • Have any opinion, pro or con about any weapon anyone owns or carries at any time, under any circumstances.
  • Force anyone to Support the Troops
Because the government is prone to excess—

  • It may NOT search anyone at any time or any of their belongings, unless it has a damned good reason, in writing, first. These reasons and the searches must be very specific, because we all know how the government loves to push the limits.
The government is prone to excess and therefore—

  • Can not decide if anyone is charged with a serious crime—the government must submit its evidence to a grand jury and then let THEM say if anyone is charged with the crime.
  • The government cannot try someone again and again.
  • The government cannot force anyone to confess to anything, ever.
  • The government cannot imprison anyone at any time without due process.
  • The government cannot take anyone's property away. They may buy property on the open market.
  • When the government does accuse anyone of anything—assume they're innocent and make the government prove its case rigorously.
  • When the government accuses anyone of anything, the government must put up or shut up immediately. All evidence, witnesses and charges have to be made available to the accused along with a Lawyer to help him defend himself. The accused gets a trial by jury in the area where the crime supposedly occurred. If the government does accuse anyone of any crime, they must present their case publicly in full view.
  • The accused has a right to a trial by Jury. If the Jury says it's so, the government has to accept it.
The Government is prone to excess and therefore will NOT ever—

  • Demand excessive bail, impose excessive fines, inflict torture, or inflict cruel and unusual punishments on ANYONE.
Just because there are certain rights illustrated here by limits on what the government does—that doesn't mean there are no others. Don't let the government trample these other rights either.

If it's not explicitly stated here then it's not a Federal government power—it belongs to the states or to the people. The States can restrict these powers further if they deem necessary.

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