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Monday, July 11, 2005

McCain-Feingold Strikes again

[Note -- although this was actually decided under Washington state campaign finance laws, that law itself is very similar to McCain-Feingold]

As every blogger online-publisher is well aware, the FEC is prepared to regulate the Internet for "in-kind" campaign contributions when a publisher voices an opinion on a candidate or issue or links to a candidate's website.

Well, talk radio is the next target -- Judge Christopher Wickham, a county judge in Washington state, ruled that two Seattle-area talk show hosts were making in-kind contributions when they campaigned on the air for an initiative they launched opposing a state gas-tax increase. [article here]

What's next...newspaper endorsements of candidates?

And people actually thought McCain-Feingold was a good thing? Politicians [with some exceptions] will do almost anything to maintain their power and priviledge -- and cutting off the means of dissent is one of the most basic strategies for that.

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