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Thursday, July 28, 2005

A very serious case with very serious implications for personal freedom and discrimination in the work place

From Reason:

"A Good Fit"
Transgendered rights at the Library of Congress

Retired Special Forces Col. Dave Schroer seemed like the perfect fit for the terrorism analyst position with the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress. Last December, two weeks before he was due to start work, he met for lunch with the supervisor who'd hired him, Charlotte Preece, at a Chinese restaurant on Capitol Hill. According to Schroer, Preece assured him that his impressive resume--25 years of Army service, a master's degree from the National War College, and a stint as the head of a classified 120-person group dedicated to tracking terrorists in the wake of 9/11--put him leaps and bounds ahead of the next best candidate they'd considered.

Then Dave explained that by the time he started work, he would be a she: Diane Schroer.

The next afternoon, Schroer says, Preece called to tell her that in light of their
conversation, "After a very long and sleepless night, I've determined that you're not what we're looking for, you're not a good fit for the Library."

Full article here.