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Friday, July 01, 2005

A Blog no more

Freedom's Gate is no longer a blog. It's now a virtual online magazine, with aggregate news sources, commentary, and humour, allowing reader discussion under the links titled "comments."

Letters to the editor sent to may be published on Freedom's Gate. Writers may send individual articles intended for publication to Writers who feel that they are within the scope of Freedom's Gate can email to discusss becoming part of the team.

You can subscribe to a daily email digest of Freedom's Gate using the email submission in the right sidebar, or get individual articles sent to your newsreader by clicking any of the syndication links in the right sidebar of the page.

The look of the site, the writing style, the subject matter, the content, and the technological back-end will be virtually identical to what I've been using, but the change (as least as far as the FEC is concerned) will be drastic. Starting today, my days as a blogger are ended and my days as a writer and commentator begin.

Your editor-in-chief,

Some background from Atrios and The Talent Show.