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Friday, July 29, 2005

Why was the Defense Appropriations Bill REALLY put on hold in the Senate?

While some folks like Chris Woods of The Political Forecast have questioned the priorities of Bill Frist/Senate Republicans in postponing the Defense Appropriations bill in favor of the legislation to block liability lawsuits against gun manufacturers, this editorial from The Washington Post suggests that it may have more to do with trying to block the McCain/Graham Amendment "that would exclude exceptional interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay and ban the use of "cruel, inhumane and degrading" treatment for all prisoners held by the United States."

I have to admit that it's a pretty slick technique to throw up legislation sure to raise the hackles of the pro-victim-disarmament crowd, who would normally be clamoring (as do I) for passage of this appropriations amendment, while the White House and Senate leadership try to do damage control and twist some arms to keep it from passing.